Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Miss You So Much

This past week while cleaning out a desk that we never use I found a plastic bag with several post cards from my sister Sherry.  There were about 6 of them and they were from a trip she took to Washington, D. C. in 1996. I must have found them at one point in time and put them in the bag with the intention of putting them in a safe place later.  Since her passing I have found several of these small bags, single envelopes, cards or notes in different places around the house.  My sister was a writer.  She believed in paper and had not switched over to the new age of e-mail and computers.  I'm not sure she ever would have.  She liked the feel of the paper and the comfort of writing late at night when no one else was up and about.  We had that in common but I have realized that it is much easier to compose and organize with a computer.  I am so glad that she had not given up on the written word on paper.  These small finds have been like small gifts to me along the way.

One postcard from D. C. was simple and to the point, but certainly reminded me of our relationship.

My dearest and blessed Ju,

I miss you so much,

Love, Sher

If she only knew how much I miss her these days.

She would have been 53 years old yesturday.

I would love to have celebrated with her here, but instead I did it alone in my own way.

My dearest and blessed Sher,

I miss you so much,

Love, Ju

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